Arizona Law Guide

This guide includes free online legal resources for the people of Arizona; focusing on law, legal news, and public sources.


quote Approximately 3.23 persons were killed each day. There were 141 persons injured every day. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Of all alcohol-related crashes, 84.02% occurred in Urban areas and 15.98% occurred in Rural areas. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Single vehicle crashes accounted for 17.16% of all crashes and 29.26% of all fatal crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Crashes which occurred during daylight hours (6AM - 6PM) accounted for 69.8% of all crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Males accounted for 71.84% of the drivers for alcohol-related crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021


quote Approximately 3.23 persons were killed each day. There were 141 persons injured every day. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Of all alcohol-related crashes, 84.02% occurred in Urban areas and 15.98% occurred in Rural areas. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Single vehicle crashes accounted for 17.16% of all crashes and 29.26% of all fatal crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Crashes which occurred during daylight hours (6AM - 6PM) accounted for 69.8% of all crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

quote Males accounted for 71.84% of the drivers for alcohol-related crashes. ql

Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2021

Legal Forms


You might want to speak with an attorney if you need help filling out the forms on this website. You may wish to have a lawyer evaluate your submission even if you are doing it on your own.

This is a common alternative for people who wish to represent themselves in court but would like to have an attorney review their court documents or who need help on a certain aspect of their case. Attorneys are authorized to engage in what’s called “limited scope representation.” You can end up saving time and money when you finally get to court by having an attorney evaluate your file or explain the procedure to you.

Arizona News

Living Trusts in Arizona

A living trust is a legal document that allows you to manage your assets during your lifetime. Living trusts specify how those assets should be

AZ Law Guide eBooks